The script and supporting files in this repository are intended to show how the Python Pandas module can be used to analyze data, specifically COVID-19 data.
I am going to recommend 3 data sets to "investigate":
- WHO (Download from 06 April 2020)
- CSSEGISandData on GitHub
- New York Times US Data GitHub Repository
WHO Data
The repository comes with the WHO data file from 06 April 2020 (WHO-COVID-19-global-data.csv). The simplest run of the script will use this WHO data file.
To download the latest file go to the Who Overview Map and download the Map Data from the link on the lower right hand side.
This CSV file will need clean up. Remove spaces from column titles. Some rows have spaces in the country names and so spaces have shifted columns (Belize and Palestine). You will need to combine the name and shift the data back to the correct columns. Welcome to the world of data.

John Hopkins University (JHU) Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) Data
The John Hopikns Unversity CSSE data is widely used in the media and either drives or is incorporated into many other data sets.
More importantly for our purposes, this wonderful institution of higher learning makes the raw data available on a public repository (GitHub).
I've cloned the repository so that it sits as a subdirectory in my pandas_for_pandemic_data folder and I refresh it every day.
# Clones the pands_for_pandemic_data Repository git clone # Change into the pands_for_pandemic_data Repository cd pandas_for_pandemic_data # Clones the John Hopkins University CSSE Data git clone # Refresh the JHU Data cd COVID-19 git pull
# Example of refreshing the JHU repository Claudias-iMac:COVID-19 claudia$ git pull remote: Enumerating objects: 148, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (148/148), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done. remote: Total 252 (delta 135), reused 140 (delta 135), pack-reused 104 Receiving objects: 100% (252/252), 1.25 MiB | 6.51 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (157/157), completed with 14 local objects. From 865c933c..f3dea791 master -> origin/master 513b21a4..493821d3 web-data -> origin/web-data Updating 865c933c..f3dea791 Fast-forward csse_covid_19_data/UID_ISO_FIPS_LookUp_Table.csv | 7141 ++++++++++---------- …/csse_covid_19_daily_reports/04-06-2020.csv | 2810 ++++++++ …/time_series_covid19_confirmed_US.csv | 6508 +++++++++--------- …/time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv | 527 +- …/time_series_covid19_deaths_US.csv | 6508 +++++++++--------- …/time_series_covid19_deaths_global.csv | 527 +- …/time_series_covid19_recovered_global.csv | 499 +- 7 files changed, 13668 insertions(+), 10852 deletions(-) create mode 100644 csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports/04-06-2020.csv Claudias-iMac:COVID-19 claudia$
Feel free to put it elsewhere in your directory structure. The script sets the default path in the arguments section at the bottom. You can either update the default path directly or use the -d option when you execute the script to redirect script to look there for the daily files.

New York Times Data
The New York Times has also shared their data. This repository only contains data for the US. They share two flavors:
- US State Level data
- US County Level data
They do a good job of keeping the data set very clean. Its all numeric and so far I've not seen any missing data which is rare for any data set.
== Number of MISSING values in each column:
date 0
state 0
fips 0
cases 0
deaths 0
dtype: int64
New York Times US Data GitHub Repository
I took the same approach with this repository as I did for the JHU data. I've cloned the repository so that it sits as a subdirectory in my pandas_for_pandemic_data folder and I refresh it every day.
In general, the script will take in a CSV data file, turn it into a Pandas Data Frame, and execute a set of commands against the data. The main section manages which options to execute and sends the relevant data frame to a function that prints out the various analysis statements for the data frame. In general, this is what will be shown for each data frame.
- Describe the data (pandas method showing interesting statistical facts about the data)
- Show the shape of the data frame (number of rows and columns)
- Show the first and last 5 lines of data
- List the column headings
- Show the data type of each column
- Look for the total number of missing values in each column
- Sum the columns (only makes sense for columns holding numeric data)
The various options let you control which data set you want to investigate and filter. The output is sent to your screen. These are just some of the actions available to you with Pandas. Once you have the data in a Pandas data frame you can query the data frame for the data that is meaningful to you.
Cheatsheet for script
CLI | Description |
python -h | Display all the options available (Help) |
python | WHO Data Without any options, the script will load the local WHO data file from 6 April into a Pandas Data Frame and run some commands to investigate the data. Reminder: If you download a fresh WHO CSV file please note the updates I list above so that you can cleanly import the CSV into a Data Frame |
python -c "MX" | WHO Data Filtered for a Specific Country Note: use the 2 letter country code as an argument with the -c option |
python -t | John Hopkins University CSSE Data The -t option will look for todays daily log file in the JHU CSSE (remember to clone the repository) |
python -t -c "Mexico" | John Hopkins University CSSE Data The -t -c "country or region" option will let you filter for a country |
python -t -s "California" | John Hopkins University CSSE Data The -t -s "state" option filters the JHU data set for a state or province |
python -t -f 06037 | John Hopkins University CSSE Data The -t -f FIPS option filters the JHU data set for a FIPS county code. Note: FIPS code 06037 is for Los Angeles County |
python -n | New York Times Data US Totals Only for the full NY Times data set with the -n option (remember to clone the repository) |
python -n -f 6 or python -n -p "California" | New York Times Data This data set has both "state" and "fips" but fips represents FIPS State Code so in this example 6 is the FIPS state code. This should get you exactly the same data as ** python -n -p "California"** |
The script will give you an idea of how to load pandemic data into a Pandas data frame and interrogate the data. Executing it with the -h option will give you help on the options.
(pandas) Claudias-iMac:pandas_for_pandemic_data claudia$ python -h usage: [-h] [-d DAILY_REPORTS_FOLDER] [-c COUNTRY_REGION] [-p PROVINCE_STATE] [-s SPECIFIC_DAY] [-f FIPS] [-w] [-t] [-n] Script Description optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -d DAILY_REPORTS_FOLDER, --daily_reports_folder DAILY_REPORTS_FOLDER Set path to CSSE Dailty Report folder csse_covid_19_daily_reports. Default is ./COVID-19/css e_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports -c COUNTRY_REGION, --country_region COUNTRY_REGION Filer on 2 letter Country Region. Example: "US" -p PROVINCE_STATE, --province_state PROVINCE_STATE Filer on Province State. Example: "California" -s SPECIFIC_DAY, --specific_day SPECIFIC_DAY File for specific day. Example: 04-01-2020 -f FIPS, --fips FIPS FIPS County Code Example: 06037 (Los Angeles County) -w, --who_data_file Analyze the WHO data file provided -t, --today_csse Analyze todays file in the CSSE repo -n, --new_york_times Analyze the New York Times Data Usage: 'python todays_totals'
Running the script without any parameters yields some information on the WHO data set from 6 April which is part of the repository. This information includes:
A description of the data frame including some statistical data on the numeric values.
The rows and
Example output for WHO Data:
(pandas) Claudias-iMac:pandas_for_pandemic_data claudia$ python ==================== DATA FRAME CHECK ==================== ==================== WHO Data Frame from WHO-COVID-19-global-data.csv ==================== == Describe the Data Frame: Deaths CumulativeDeaths Confirmed CumulativeConfirmed count 6786.000000 6786.000000 6786.000000 6786.000000 mean 9.971412 104.946360 178.487179 2313.689213 std 73.268455 761.569677 1183.935476 12918.006118 min 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 25% 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 4.000000 50% 0.000000 0.000000 2.000000 26.000000 75% 0.000000 3.000000 25.000000 235.000000 max 2003.000000 15889.000000 33510.000000 307318.000000 == Shape of the Data Frame: (6786, 8) == SAMPLE (first and last 5 rows): day Country CountryName Region Deaths CumulativeDeaths Confirmed CumulativeConfirmed 0 2/25/20 AF Afghanistan EMRO 0 0 1 1 1 2/26/20 AF Afghanistan EMRO 0 0 0 1 2 2/27/20 AF Afghanistan EMRO 0 0 0 1 3 2/28/20 AF Afghanistan EMRO 0 0 0 1 4 2/29/20 AF Afghanistan EMRO 0 0 0 1 day Country CountryName Region Deaths CumulativeDeaths Confirmed CumulativeConfirmed 6781 4/2/20 ZW Zimbabwe AFRO 0 1 0 8 6782 4/3/20 ZW Zimbabwe AFRO 0 1 0 8 6783 4/4/20 ZW Zimbabwe AFRO 0 1 1 9 6784 4/5/20 ZW Zimbabwe AFRO 0 1 0 9 6785 4/6/20 ZW Zimbabwe AFRO 0 1 0 9 == Column Headings of the data set: ['day' 'Country' 'CountryName' 'Region' 'Deaths' 'CumulativeDeaths' 'Confirmed' 'CumulativeConfirmed'] == Column default data type: day object Country object CountryName object Region object Deaths int64 CumulativeDeaths int64 Confirmed int64 CumulativeConfirmed int64 dtype: object == Number of MISSING values in each column: day 0 Country 85 CountryName 0 Region 62 Deaths 0 CumulativeDeaths 0 Confirmed 0 CumulativeConfirmed 0 dtype: int64 == Sum just the numeric columns in the Data Frame: Deaths 67666 CumulativeDeaths 712166 Confirmed 1211214 CumulativeConfirmed 15700695 dtype: int64 (pandas) Claudias-iMac:pandas_for_pandemic_data claudia$